See the crystallography section for more details.
Class Name
Hermann-Maguin Symbol (Point Group)
Hermann-Maguin Symbols Space Groups in Point Group
Decoding Space Groups Bravais Lattice
Triclinic - Pedial
Triclinic - Pinacoidal
Monoclinic - Domatic
Monoclinic - Sphenoidal
Monoclinic - Prismatic
Orthorhombic - Pyramidal
Orthorhombic - Disphenoidal
(2 2 2)
Orthorhombic - Dipyramidal
(2/m 2/m 2/m)
Trigonal - Pyramidal
Trigonal - Rhombohedral
Trigonal - Ditrigonal Pyramidal
Trigonal - Trapezohedral
(3 2)
Trigonal - Hexagonal Scalenohedral
(3 2/m)
Hexagonal - Trigonal Dipyramidal
Hexagonal - Pyramidal
Hexagonal - Dipyramidal
Hexagonal - Ditrigonal Dipyramidal
(6 m2)
Hexagonal - Dihexagonal Pyramidal
Hexagonal - Trapezohedral
(6 2 2)
Hexagonal - Dihexagonal Dipyramidal
(6/m 2/m 2/m)
Tetragonal - Disphenoidal
Tetragonal - Pyramidal
Tetragonal - Dipyramidal
Tetragonal - Scalenohedral
(4 2m)
Tetragonal - Ditetragonal Pyramidal
Tetragonal - Trapezohedral
(4 2 2)
Tetragonal - Ditetragonal Dipyramidal
(4/m 2/m 2/m)
Isometric - Tetartoidal
(2 3)
Isometric - Diploidal
(2/m 3)
Isometric - Hextetrahedral
(4 3m)
Isometric - Gyroidal
(4 3 2)
Isometric - Hexoctahedral
(4/m 3 2/m)
International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) Macromolecular Crystallography Web Site (by Bernhard Rupp) Crystallography 101 Introduction to Crystallography and Mineral Crystal Systems by Mike and Darcy Howard U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (Crystal Structures)
Example Subject Searches
Example: Isometric Gyroidal finds all minerals that are Isometric Gyroidal.