Dbl Clk - Start-Stop Rotation
RMB - Cycle Display Modes
Drag1 - Manipulate Crystal
Drag2 - Resize Keyboard
S - Stereo
I - Indicies
<space> - Start-Stop Rotation
F - Fit to Screen
M - Menu
Help on Above
( 1 4 3) ( 1 0 0) ( 0 0 1)
Warning: this large pop-up is very compute intensive and
may not work well with some computers.
Crystal Structure:
drag1 - LMB Manipulate Structure
drag2 - RMB Resize/Rotate Keyboard
S - Stereo Pair on/off
H - Help Screen
I - Data Info
A - Atoms On/Off
P - Polyhedra On/Off
B - Bonds On/Off
Help on Above
Krause W , Bernhardt H J , McCammon C A , Effenberger H , American Mineralogist , 87 (2002) p.726-738, Neustadtelite and cobaltneustadtelite, the Fe- and Co- analogues of medenbachite